Monday 19 April 2010

Structure of the respiratory system

The organs of the respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, trachea, bronchi and the lungs.
The nose consists of three nasal cavities in order to supply the lungs with as mush oxygen as possible. the nose filters the air of impurities as well as warming and moistening the air before it enters the lungs.

The pharynx is a tube like structure which allows both air and food too pass through before they reach the appropriate tubes.
The larynx is situated below the pharynx and just above the opening of the trachea, it is part of the vital airway to the lungs.
the epiglottis is one of the main cartilages in the larynx it is small and is attached to the thyroid cartilage along one edge. the epiglottis protects the airway against solids and liquids entering during swallowing.
the trachea is a long tube which holds open the passage way so that air can reach the lungs from the outside. if this airway becomes obstructed for even a few minutes then it Will result in loss of consciousness because of the lack of oxygen supplied.
At the end of the trachea the tube divides into two parts known as the bronchi, each bronchi enter the lungs and branch of into bronchioles. Each bronchiole has little air sacs at the end known as alveoli so that gaseous exchange can take place. Gaseous exchange is when oxygen is diffused into the blood capillaries from the alveoli and carbon dioxide is diffused into the alveoli from the blood capillaries.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindzey,
    This is a really good website but I think you need to introduce, give it a clearer headng and explain why are linking to it in your blog. For assessment you probably need to us it as referenced information to answer the question in your format, way and words.
